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Programs and Services

"Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love;

it will all come back to you in abundance.

This is the law of nature." ~Steve Maraboli


Structured lessons in every K-5 classroom on topics including:

  • bullying and teasing,

  • making and keeping friends,

  • problem-solving and decision-making,

  • staying safe and drug-free

  • goal setting,

  • developing a healthy self-esteem and coping skills,

  • dealing with stress and test anxiety, and

  • exploring college and careers

Students learn these skills with a variety of interactive teaching methods, including listening to and discussing stories, participating in activities and games, and practicing skills with puppets or role plays.


Groups are held no more than once per week periodically through the year, are time-limited in nature, and are focused on topics based upon student need. Topics in the past have included grief and loss, parental separation, improving self-esteem and confidence, understanding and coping with a variety of different emotions, appropriate communication with peers and adults, and developing and maintaining friendships. Students look forward to these activity-based sessions. Parent/guardian permission is needed for students to participate in a small group, and most small groups run in the spring semester. Small group counseling does not cover the depth or breadth of outside counseling services.


Individual meetings with students consist of brief, solution-focused, strengths-based interventions to assist children with difficulties that may negatively affect them during the school day. Sessions are limited, and referrals to outside providers are available for more in-depth counseling as appropriate. School counseling is not equivalent to outside counseling or therapy in depth or breadth.


All students who are new to Laurel Mountain in August will have the several opportunities to eat their lunch with the counselor, learn about our school, and meet other new and veteran students (peer buddies) in their grade level. Some students choose to continue to meet and check-in on a regular basis during the first semester, and periodic lunches will be held with the counselor for new students who enroll after August. Mrs. Justice will also check in with new students throughout the year to see how they are adjusting to Laurel Mountain and assess the need for further support. Parent/guardians are encouraged to contact Mrs. Justice with concerns about their child’s adjustment to school.


Consultation with parents/guardians, students, and staff is available to assist with planning and problem-solving in regards to academic, social-emotional, or behavioral needs of students.


The PAX United Peers Making Peace mediation program empowers students who experience conflict to resolve their problems in a win-win manner, with students helping other students solve normal, day-to-day conflicts. Our 20 mediators are comprised of fourth and fifth grade students trained in the program and bound to confidentiality who have been chosen by an application process at the beginning of each year. The program is monitored by Mrs. Justice. Students-in-conflict who participate in peer mediation learn a model for resolving conflicts and benefit from problem-solving strategies used that can be applied across situations. Students-in-conflict can self-refer through their teacher, or contact Mrs. Justice directly through her counselor mailbox, to request a mediation. Parent/guardians, staff members, and peers can also refer students-in-conflict to peer mediation. Mediations are most often held during read-to-self or study hall time in the classroom.


Each year we have about ten Westwood High School students, called PROs (Peers Reaching Out and Sharing), who volunteer their time to meet with individual or small groups of Laurel Mountain students (referred by parent/guardians, teachers, or student self-referral) once a week for approximately 30 minutes. PROs develop a mentor-type relationship with their elementary school pals, and work on projects, play games with an academic or pro-social focus, read, or practice friendship skills. Parent/guardian permission is needed for students to receive this support, and PROs are assigned based upon student need at the discretion of Mrs. Justice.


Educational parent/guardian workshops are held throughout the year on various topics of 'parental' interest and need. A multitude of parent/guardian resources and books are available through the counseling office, and can be checked out through the library system. If you are looking for information on a specific topic, please contact Mrs. Justice.


There are a vast number of resources in our community to support our students and families. Resources such as clothing vouchers, food pantries, outside tutoring or counseling are often just a phone call away. Mrs. Justice is eager to help our families find the appropriate resources to fit their needs.


Our PAWS program is a tier II behavioral intervention that provides daily support for a small number of students on campus to work on personalized behavioral, social-emotional, and/or organizational goals (examples: completing work, following verbal directions, increasing time on task, having positive social interactions with peers, etc.). Students are referred by teachers for this support, and get to have input about their goals. Our students in the PAWS program check-in with the PAWS facilitator before and after school each day. The PAWS program uses positive behavior supports and frequent communication with parent/guardians to help students reach their goals and learn to self-monitor on these goals.

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